Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19

Daphne, AL to St. Petersburg, FL

Well, this report will be boring for you but great for us. After 544 miles today, we are home! We spent a final 9 hours on the road and got home around 5:30pm. For the record, our trip was 7,895.6 miles. All our animals were fine when we got home - we even had more animals than when we left since one (or more) of Makenzie's fish had babies. The house is in one piece, the animals are fine, the kids are already playing on the PS2, Wii and computer, mom is getting staples from the grocery store and I'm taking care of unpacking.

Thank you for reading and praying. I will write a recap to go over some of our highlights and some of our suggestions for others who might try the same.

1 comment:

  1. WOW.
    So glad you are home and well.
    We missed you, but what a trip of a lifetime. You will never, never regret it. Thank God for not needing to show a visa every time you move around.
    Also the van did an amazing job of making it with only minor? work.
    John and Paula
